A cross-platform rhythm game


00_Utility Random helper functions that don't really belong anywhere else.
00_compat Backwards compatibility configuration This file is for some Lua backwards compatibility purposes.
00_init Initialization of basic functions This file is always executed first.
01_Functional Functional Library Project copy of the Functional library for convenience.
01_IniFile IniFile: basically a Lua rewrite of SM's IniFile class that serves as the basis for the sm-ssc UserPrefs and ThemePrefs configuration systems.
01_alias command aliases
01_base Mostly default lua function overrides
02_Actor Actor class sugar and helpers
02_ActorDef Actor creation utilities
02_Branches Lua helpers for Screen Branching.
02_Colors Game Color utilities
02_Debug Lua debug script for tracebacks
02_Enum C++ Enum utilities
02_OptionsMenu Options Screen utilities
02_Other Miscellaneous helpers
02_Serialize Table serialization
02_Sprite Sprite class sugar and utilities
02_StageMods DEPRECATED: Course and Stage related functions
02_ThemePrefs Theme Preferences
02_ThemePrefsRows Theme preferences rows
02_Utilities More utilities for many different subjects
03_CustomSpeedMods Custom Speed Mods
03_DisplaySpecs Display Specifications - The Lua interface for the C++ DisplaySpecs
03_GamePreferences Game Preferences
03_Gameplay Gameplay specific settings
03_UserPreferences2 UserPreferences: User Preferences "Module"
04_LogDisplay Log Display for Lua Errors
04_NumPadEntry Numpad Entry utility for profile customization.
04_SetBGFitHelpers BGFit Helpers for the Background Fit options screen
09_PackList Pack download list sugar Basically this extends the existing DownloadManager functionality
09_SimNSkinPreview Noteskin previewing utility
10_AudioVisualizer Audio Visualizer.
10_FileUtils File Utilities Allows very quick creation and readback of simple files at arbitrary paths
10_Scores Score and Scoring Utilities
10_Texts Judgment and Grade text getters
10_WifeSundries Big thing that contains all sorts of fun stuff related to ms based scoring and adapting existing systems to it probably need to reorganize large parts of this
10_settings_system Lua based reloadable configurations
11_AssetsConfig Settings system for Assets (Judgments, Toasties, Avatars)
12_AssetUtils Utilities for the Assets system (Judgments, Toasties, Avatars)
72_custom_windows_config Custom Rescoring Window Config Allows rescoring a score with a replay any way you want
96_Tooltip Mouse Tooltips originally created by ca25nada/Prim minor modifications by poco0317
97_UIElements UI Elements.
99_util Utilities again like the 8th utility file
find_missing_lang_strings Missing language string finder All other languages are compared to the master language to determine what is missing and what is unused.


Actor Basic Actor class
ActorFrame Actor container/composite
ActorFrameTexture ActorFrameTexture

This class inherits all methods from these classes: ActorFrame Actor

ActorMultiVertex ActorMultiVertex
ActorProxy ActorProxy class
ActorSound ActorSound class
BPMDisplay BPM Display class
BitmapText Font actor
ColorBitmapText Colored BitmapText class
ComboGraph Combo Graph class

The ComboGraph will display the combos for a score on a graph.

ControllerStateDisplay Controller information display class
GraphDisplay Life graph display class
HoldJudgment Hold Judgment class
LifeMeter Life meter bar class
MenuTimer Menu Timer class
MeterDisplay MeterDisplay class for difficulty display
ModIconRow Mod Icon Row class
Model Model class
MusicWheel Music Wheel class

This class inherits methods from the WheelBase class.

NoteColumnRenderer Notefield Column Renderer class
NoteField NoteField class

This class contains the components responsible for displaying notes in gameplay.

NoteFieldPreview Preview NoteField class
OptionRow Option Row class
Player Player control class

This controls the user interaction with the current chart being played in gameplay.

RollingNumbers Rolling number display class
RoomWheel Multiplayer room musicwheel class
Screen Screen class
ScreenEvaluation Evaluation screen class
ScreenGameplay Gameplay base class
ScreenGameplayPractice Practice gameplay class
ScreenGameplayReplay Replay gameplay class
ScreenManager ScreenManager singleton
ScreenNetEvaluation Network Evaluation screen
ScreenNetRoom Multiplayer network room class
ScreenNetSelectBase Multiplayer select screen
ScreenNetSelectMusic Multiplayer music selection screen
ScreenOptions Option screen base
ScreenPlayerOptions Player mods screen
ScreenProfileLoad Profile loading transition screen
ScreenProfileSave Profile saving and cleanup transition screen
ScreenSelectMaster Second base class for screens utilizing selections
ScreenSelectMusic Music selection screen
ScreenSelectProfile Profile selection screen
ScreenTextEntry Text entry overlay screen
ScreenWithMenuElements Base screen with Actors inside
ScreenWithMenuElementsSimple Base ScreenWithMenuElements screen
Sprite Sprite
StepsDisplay Difficulty display class
StepsDisplayList Difficulty display list class
TextBanner Song info text display
WheelBase Selection Wheel base class

This is the base class for other wheel classes such as MusicWheel and RoomWheel.

WheelItemBase Selection Wheel item base class
HoldNoteScore HoldNoteScore enum

HoldNoteScore is the enum representing the score for a hold or roll.

SortOrder SortOrder enum

SortOrder is the enum representing a SortOrder for Songs.

TapNoteScore TapNoteScore enum

TapNoteScore is the enum representing the score for a tap.

WheelItemDataType WheelItemDataType enum

WheelItemDataType is the enum representing the type for a WheelItem.

Chart Chart class for charts within Playlists
ChartRequest ChartRequest class for multiplayer chart requests
CubicSplineN Cubic Spline class
DisplayMode Display Mode class
DisplaySpec Display Specifications class
Download Representation of a downloading pack
DownloadablePack Downloadable pack class
DownloadablePackPagination Downloadable Pack Pagination class
Game Game class
GameCommand GameCommand class
HighScore HighScore class
HoldNoteResult HoldNoteResult info class
InputDataEvent InputDataEvent replay info class
NCSplineHandler Notefield Column Spline Handler class
PlayerInfo Player stats class
PlayerOptions Player mods class
PlayerStageStats Player stats for current song
PlayerState Player game state class
Playlist Playlist of Charts
Profile User profile class
RadarValues Radar Value collection class
RageBezier2D RageBezier2D class
RageFile Rage File class
RageQuadratic Quadratic class
RageSound Sound object class
RageTexture Texture class
RageTextureRenderTarget Texture render target class
Replay Game replay representation
ReplaySnapshot Replay snapshot representation
ScoreGoal User goal class
ScoresAtRate Score list at a particular rate for a chart
ScoresForChart Scores for a particular chart
Song Song class
SongOptions Song mods class
SongPosition Song Position representation
StageStats Stage stats
Steps Steps class
Style Game style class
TapNote Tap Note representation
TapNoteResult Tap Note result info class
TimingData Chart and Song Timing data class
ActorUtil ActorUtil namespace
Arch Arch specific function namespace
ArrowEffects ArrowEffects class
MersenneTwister Mersenne Twister RNG namespace
RageFileUtil Rage file utility namespace
ScreenSystemLayerHelpers System Layer screen helper namespace
SongUtil Song utility namespace
lua lua namespace
AnnouncerManager AnnouncerManager
CryptManager Cryptography singleton class
DownloadManager DownloadManager singleton
FilterManager Song Filtering singleton class
GameManager Game Manager singleton class
GameSoundManager Game Sound managing singleton class
Gamestate Game state singleton class
InputFilter Input Filtering class
InputMapper Input mapping class
MessageManager Message management singleton class
NetworkSyncManager Network Sync and Multiplayer Management singleton class
NoteSkinManager NoteSkin Management singleton class
PrefsManager Preference management singleton class
ProfileManager User profile management singleton class
RageDisplay Rage Display class
RageFileManager Rage File management singleton class
RageInput Rage Input device class
ReplayManager Replay management singleton class
ScoreManager Score management singleton accessed via SCOREMAN

This is responsible for accessing score related data.

SongManager Song management singleton accessed via SONGMAN

This is responsible for Song related information accessing.

StatsManager Stat management singleton class
ThemeManager Theme management singleton class


generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-10-02 05:06:53