A cross-platform rhythm game
00_Utility | Random helper functions that don't really belong anywhere else. |
00_compat | Backwards compatibility configuration This file is for some Lua backwards compatibility purposes. |
00_init | Initialization of basic functions This file is always executed first. |
01_Functional | Functional Library Project copy of the Functional library for convenience. |
01_IniFile | IniFile: basically a Lua rewrite of SM's IniFile class that serves as the basis for the sm-ssc UserPrefs and ThemePrefs configuration systems. |
01_alias | command aliases |
01_base | Mostly default lua function overrides |
02_Actor | Actor class sugar and helpers |
02_ActorDef | Actor creation utilities |
02_Branches | Lua helpers for Screen Branching. |
02_Colors | Game Color utilities |
02_Debug | Lua debug script for tracebacks |
02_Enum | C++ Enum utilities |
02_OptionsMenu | Options Screen utilities |
02_Other | Miscellaneous helpers |
02_Serialize | Table serialization |
02_Sprite | Sprite class sugar and utilities |
02_StageMods | DEPRECATED: Course and Stage related functions |
02_ThemePrefs | Theme Preferences |
02_ThemePrefsRows | Theme preferences rows |
02_Utilities | More utilities for many different subjects |
03_CustomSpeedMods | Custom Speed Mods |
03_DisplaySpecs | Display Specifications - The Lua interface for the C++ DisplaySpecs |
03_GamePreferences | Game Preferences |
03_Gameplay | Gameplay specific settings |
03_UserPreferences2 | UserPreferences: User Preferences "Module" |
04_LogDisplay | Log Display for Lua Errors |
04_NumPadEntry | Numpad Entry utility for profile customization. |
04_SetBGFitHelpers | BGFit Helpers for the Background Fit options screen |
09_PackList | Pack download list sugar Basically this extends the existing DownloadManager functionality |
09_SimNSkinPreview | Noteskin previewing utility |
10_AudioVisualizer | Audio Visualizer. |
10_FileUtils | File Utilities Allows very quick creation and readback of simple files at arbitrary paths |
10_Scores | Score and Scoring Utilities |
10_Texts | Judgment and Grade text getters |
10_WifeSundries | Big thing that contains all sorts of fun stuff related to ms based scoring and adapting existing systems to it probably need to reorganize large parts of this |
10_settings_system | Lua based reloadable configurations |
11_AssetsConfig | Settings system for Assets (Judgments, Toasties, Avatars) |
12_AssetUtils | Utilities for the Assets system (Judgments, Toasties, Avatars) |
72_custom_windows_config | Custom Rescoring Window Config Allows rescoring a score with a replay any way you want |
96_Tooltip | Mouse Tooltips originally created by ca25nada/Prim minor modifications by poco0317 |
97_UIElements | UI Elements. |
99_util | Utilities again like the 8th utility file |
find_missing_lang_strings | Missing language string finder All other languages are compared to the master language to determine what is missing and what is unused. |
Actor | Basic Actor class |
ActorFrame | Actor container/composite |
ActorFrameTexture | ActorFrameTexture
This class inherits all methods from these classes: ActorFrame Actor |
ActorMultiVertex | ActorMultiVertex |
ActorProxy | ActorProxy class |
ActorScroller | ActorScroller
This class inherits all methods from these classes: ActorFrame Actor |
ActorSound | ActorSound class |
BPMDisplay | BPM Display class |
BitmapText | Font actor |
ColorBitmapText | Colored BitmapText class |
ComboGraph | Combo Graph class
The ComboGraph will display the combos for a score on a graph. |
ControllerStateDisplay | Controller information display class |
GraphDisplay | Life graph display class |
HoldJudgment | Hold Judgment class |
LifeMeter | Life meter bar class |
MenuTimer | Menu Timer class |
MeterDisplay | MeterDisplay class for difficulty display |
ModIconRow | Mod Icon Row class |
Model | Model class |
MusicWheel | Music Wheel class
This class inherits methods from the WheelBase class. |
NoteColumnRenderer | Notefield Column Renderer class |
NoteField | NoteField class
This class contains the components responsible for displaying notes in gameplay. |
NoteFieldPreview | Preview NoteField class |
OptionRow | Option Row class |
Player | Player control class
This controls the user interaction with the current chart being played in gameplay. |
RollingNumbers | Rolling number display class |
RoomWheel | Multiplayer room musicwheel class |
Screen | Screen class |
ScreenEvaluation | Evaluation screen class |
ScreenGameplay | Gameplay base class |
ScreenGameplayPractice | Practice gameplay class |
ScreenGameplayReplay | Replay gameplay class |
ScreenManager | ScreenManager singleton |
ScreenNetEvaluation | Network Evaluation screen |
ScreenNetRoom | Multiplayer network room class |
ScreenNetSelectBase | Multiplayer select screen |
ScreenNetSelectMusic | Multiplayer music selection screen |
ScreenOptions | Option screen base |
ScreenPlayerOptions | Player mods screen |
ScreenProfileLoad | Profile loading transition screen |
ScreenProfileSave | Profile saving and cleanup transition screen |
ScreenSelectMaster | Second base class for screens utilizing selections |
ScreenSelectMusic | Music selection screen |
ScreenSelectProfile | Profile selection screen |
ScreenTextEntry | Text entry overlay screen |
ScreenWithMenuElements | Base screen with Actors inside |
ScreenWithMenuElementsSimple | Base ScreenWithMenuElements screen |
Sprite | Sprite |
StepsDisplay | Difficulty display class |
StepsDisplayList | Difficulty display list class |
TextBanner | Song info text display |
WheelBase | Selection Wheel base class
This is the base class for other wheel classes such as MusicWheel and RoomWheel. |
WheelItemBase | Selection Wheel item base class |
DeviceButton | DeviceButton enum
DeviceButton is the enum representing a button. |
HoldNoteScore | HoldNoteScore enum
HoldNoteScore is the enum representing the score for a hold or roll. |
SortOrder | SortOrder enum
SortOrder is the enum representing a SortOrder for Songs. |
TapNoteScore | TapNoteScore enum
TapNoteScore is the enum representing the score for a tap. |
WheelItemDataType | WheelItemDataType enum
WheelItemDataType is the enum representing the type for a WheelItem. |
Chart | Chart class for charts within Playlists |
ChartRequest | ChartRequest class for multiplayer chart requests |
CubicSplineN | Cubic Spline class |
DisplayMode | Display Mode class |
DisplaySpec | Display Specifications class |
Download | Representation of a downloading pack |
DownloadablePack | Downloadable pack class |
DownloadablePackPagination | Downloadable Pack Pagination class |
Game | Game class |
GameCommand | GameCommand class |
HighScore | HighScore class |
HoldNoteResult | HoldNoteResult info class |
InputDataEvent | InputDataEvent replay info class |
NCSplineHandler | Notefield Column Spline Handler class |
PlayerInfo | Player stats class |
PlayerOptions | Player mods class |
PlayerStageStats | Player stats for current song |
PlayerState | Player game state class |
Playlist | Playlist of Charts |
Profile | User profile class |
RadarValues | Radar Value collection class |
RageBezier2D | RageBezier2D class |
RageFile | Rage File class |
RageQuadratic | Quadratic class |
RageSound | Sound object class |
RageTexture | Texture class |
RageTextureRenderTarget | Texture render target class |
Replay | Game replay representation |
ReplaySnapshot | Replay snapshot representation |
ScoreGoal | User goal class |
ScoresAtRate | Score list at a particular rate for a chart |
ScoresForChart | Scores for a particular chart |
Song | Song class |
SongOptions | Song mods class |
SongPosition | Song Position representation |
StageStats | Stage stats |
Steps | Steps class |
Style | Game style class |
TapNote | Tap Note representation |
TapNoteResult | Tap Note result info class |
TimingData | Chart and Song Timing data class |
ActorUtil | ActorUtil namespace |
Arch | Arch specific function namespace |
ArrowEffects | ArrowEffects class |
MersenneTwister | Mersenne Twister RNG namespace |
RageFileUtil | Rage file utility namespace |
ScreenSystemLayerHelpers | System Layer screen helper namespace |
SongUtil | Song utility namespace |
lua | lua namespace |
AnnouncerManager | AnnouncerManager |
CryptManager | Cryptography singleton class |
DownloadManager | DownloadManager singleton |
FilterManager | Song Filtering singleton class |
GameManager | Game Manager singleton class |
GameSoundManager | Game Sound managing singleton class |
Gamestate | Game state singleton class |
InputFilter | Input Filtering class |
InputMapper | Input mapping class |
MessageManager | Message management singleton class |
NetworkSyncManager | Network Sync and Multiplayer Management singleton class |
NoteSkinManager | NoteSkin Management singleton class |
PrefsManager | Preference management singleton class |
ProfileManager | User profile management singleton class |
RageDisplay | Rage Display class |
RageFileManager | Rage File management singleton class |
RageInput | Rage Input device class |
ReplayManager | Replay management singleton class |
ScoreManager | Score management singleton accessed via SCOREMAN
This is responsible for accessing score related data. |
SongManager | Song management singleton accessed via SONGMAN
This is responsible for Song related information accessing. |
StatsManager | Stat management singleton class |
ThemeManager | Theme management singleton class |
Actor-Commands.md | |
QuickStart.md |